29/05 : Cosmetotest Clinical Day
Session 1: Cool effect and thermic dynamics of the skin
Session 2: Repair and well-being: skin & scalp
Session 3: Biomechanicals properties: skin & hair
30/05 : Cosmetotest Preclinical Day
Session 1: Safety: from irritation to sensitization
Session 2: What parallel between Cosmetics & Nutraceuticals in preclinical evaluation
Session 3: How environmental cultures conditions answer the challenges of in-vitro and ex-vivo assays
24/05 : SFI2C Day (Société Francophone d'Imagerie et d'Ingénierie Cutanée)
Session 1 : Face exploration
Session 2 : Cosmetics treatments and home devices
Session 3 : Skin diagnostic and home devices
25/05 : Cosmetotest Clinical Day
Session 1 : Well-ageing and mature skin (>65 years)
Session 2 : Growth and Regeneration of Hair and Nails
Session 3 : Evaluation of the prone to acne skin
26/05 : Cosmetotest Preclinical Day
Session 1 : The place of organoids, spheroids and
organ-on-chips in dermocosmetics
Session 2 : Endocrine Disruptors Evaluation
Session 3 : Parallel of in-vitro and in-vivo testing
24/05 : Preclinical Testing Conferences
Session 1 : Pollution - Inflammation - Allergies
Session 2 : Sun & Pigmentation
Session 3 : Test of the Content-Container Interaction
25/05 : Clinical Testing Conferences
Session 1 : Barrier Function of the Skin
Session 2 : Gloss and Radiance of the skin and the hair
Session 3 : Sensitive Skin