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2024 Program

29/05: Clinical Day

Session 1
Cool effect and thermic dynamics of the skin
  • Measurement techniques for skin temperature measurement

Jean-Jacques SERVANT I A4ct


  • Evaluation of a cooling effect: assessment and comparison between a face care and home use devices

Clara GIBIELLE I Clarins


  • Climate conditions and skin resiliency

Elsa HERNANDEZ I Complife


  • LC-OCT: Line-field Confocal Optical Coherence Tomography Assisted by AI for in-vivo Quantification of the Skin

Margot VASSEUR I Damae Medical


  • Enhancing reliability in cosmetic product evaluation: Best practices, strategies to ensure credibility and transparency, statistical analysis, and ethical considerations 

David GONZALEZ I Dermaclaim


Session 2
Repair and well-being : skin and scalp
  • Biorevitalization and its effect on skin quality
    Ferial FANIAN I Laboratoires Fillmed


  • In vitro sunscreen photostability testing: detecting instability to correctly predict in vivo sunscreen performances
    Monica BUCCHIA I Abich


  • Empowering Beauty: Byome Labs’ solutions for microbiome-friendly cosmetics
    David SUISSA I Byome Labs


  • A Quantitative, Robust Approach to Assessing Skin Barrier Function
    Jeremy BOST I SciBase


  • Skin repair assessments methods
    Sophie MAC-MARY I Skinexigence


  • GenoBiome® skin: Substantiating Microbiome related Claims through metagenomics
    Téo FOURNIER I Genoscreen


  • How to evaluate the skin condition using the Antera 3D
    Guido MARIOTTO I Miravex


  • New in vivo strategies to evaluate anti-ageing products using advanced image analysis segmentations of epidermis using FFTs and Artificial Intelligence algorithms
    Pedro CONTREIRAS I PhdDTrials


  • Well-being and cosmetics : a review of the assessment methodologies
    Anne-Marie PENSÉ-LHÉRITIER I FRM GaleSens


  • Clinical evaluation of soothing and anti-oxidative effect
    Selma TURAL I Gredeco


  • Comprehensive Exploration: Unraveling Clinical Factors in Sensitive Scalp Health 
    Laura CABRERA I Zurko Research


  • C-Cube 3: The only imager specifically designed to observe all the effects of your dermocosmetic ranges
    Julie PRZYBYLSKI and Sébastien MANGERUCA I Pixience


Session 3
Biomechanicals properties : Skin and hair
  • The biomechanical properties of the face


  • Contact and non-contact measurements of the biomechanical properties of the skin: understanding and relevance of parameters for investigating the effect of cosmetic products
    Etienne CAMEL I IEC


  • Decoding skin tightness:  From a clinical evidence to an instrumental and biological proof of sensorial stimulation perception
    Sophie CONNETABLE I L’Oréal R&I


  • Measuring skin stiffness after cosmetic application: comparative evolution with age and different devices
    Anne SIRVENT I Eurofins Dermscan


  • Definition of an “equivalent skin age” based on quantitative biometrological data
    Jean-Christophe PITTET I Orion


  • When strength and resilience of hair diverge
    Leïla BERRICHE I Henkel


  • The remarkable biomechanical properties of hair
    Trefor EVANS I TRI Princeton


  • Skinification revolution: transversal approaches from ex-vivo to in-vivo evaluations of hair care products
    Marta DE OLIVEIRA FERREIRA I Inovapotek


  • Changes in the molecular organizations of the hair under mechanical stress
    Jean DOUCET I Novitom


  • Hair mechanical properties regarding bending and abrasion

       Erika MARIOTTI I SP Equation

Program 29/05

30/05: Preclinical Day

Session 1
Safety: from irritation to sensitization
  • Overview of in vitro regulatory toxicology tests for safety evaluation of cosmetics: from irritation to sensitization
    Frédéric NUNZI I SGS Idea Lab


  • Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) for skin sensitization: the journey towards the current framework and its application to case studies
    Nathalie ALÉPÉE I L’Oréal


  • NAMs (New Alternatives Methods) in chemical sensitization: from science to risk-assessment
    Marc PALLARDY I Université Paris-Saclay


  • Introduction to GARDskin (OECD TG 442E) for evaluation of skin sensitization hazard with dose-response option for quantitative risk assessment
    Andy FORRERYD I Senzagen


Session 2
What parallel between Cosmetics & Nutraceuticals in preclinical evaluation 
  • Innovative natural health products : from screening to nutri-cosmetic applications 
    Florence CALDEFIE-CHEZET, Caroline DECOMBAT and Rawan NEHME I UMR 1019 INRAE Unité Nutrition Humaine, Equipe Ecrein, Université Clermont Auvergne


  • Adipose tissue at the crossroads of dermo-cosmetic and nutraceutical research
    Vincent DANI I ExAdEx-Innov


  • Skin: a common target for Cosmetics and Nutritionals Ingredients
    Marilita MAZZARELLI and Marisa MELONI I Vitroscreen


  • Makeup Evaluation: Screening 160 Products in 1 Month… While Drinking Coffee!
    Fabrice MONTI I Microfactory


  • Cnidarian cells to assess the marine ecotoxicity of sunscreen products on coastal marine ecosystems by Innov&Sea
    Pauline COTINAT I Innov&Sea


  • Specialized pro-resolving mediators: a super family of ligands involved in skin biology

       Laure SAIAS I Ambiotis


  • Sweat Resistance: a key factor in sunscreen protection
    Jade BEAUMONT I Weneos (ex-Helioscreen)

Session 3 
How environmental cultures conditions answer the challenges of in-vitro and ex-vivo assays
  • 2D and 3D In Vitro Skin Models: A Promising Tool for Evaluating the Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cosmetic Ingredients and Products


  • ExVivo, InVitro and 3DBioprinted human tissue engineering for real human skin and scalp testing
    Anne-Laure DESROCHES I CTIBiotech


  • 3D Reconstructed Skin Models: Predictive Tools for Assessing the Impact of External Stresses
    Amélie THEPOT I LabSkin Creations


  • Preserving skin oxygenation: a novel challenge in in vitro testing
    Nadira CHETTOUH-HAMMAS I CNRS d’Orléans


  • Bringing Nature’s Light to Cell-Based Cosmetic Testing: Bioluminescence-based Solutions for Cell Health
    Rania BEN JOUIRA I Promega

Program 30/05
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